Greenebriar Treasure Forest is a site dedicated to large and small private landowners to provide useful information on managing your forests, enjoying your forests, protecting your forests and investments, to use tools to protect the environment, and to maintain healthy environments for wildlife on your property.
We have a 522 acre working farm in Greene County Alabama that was once agricultural crop land. During our ownership over the past 30 years we have converted this land into a working forest. The land contains both loblolly pine plantations, hardwood bottomland, and some openings. We have tried to maintain good diversity on the land and have applied many tools to keep the forest healthy. These include controlled burning of the pine plantations on 3 year rotations, thinning of pine plantations, timber stand improvements, evasive species management, and allow an ongoing study of endangered mussels in the Sipsey River.
We plan to offer regular information to you regarding forestry and wildlife techniques. Our property offers a great laboratory since it is bordered by a free running river and a large creek. The diversity of the property allows us to try multiple techniques.
We opened Greenebriar to many groups for educational purposes, birdwatching, a chance to see a natural environment, and have allowed access by the Department of Biology of The University of Alabama for an ongoing study on endangered freshwater mussels in the Sipsey River.