Sometimes simple activities are the easiest to overlook. You have bought your land and you are ready to enjoy it. Many tasks are involved. One of the most important is to establish and maintain your property borders. This not only protects you from a legal standpoint but can help relationships with your neighbors. I would recommend on new land purchases to establish your property boundaries ASAP. These should be marked with POSTED signs. The next step is to mark the boundaries with paint.

If you have marked the property lines in the past you need to check to see if they need to be repainted. I would suggest monitoring this each 5 years. I recently acquired a new tract of land and have already placed posted signs and will paint the line soon. During the same week we re-signed and on a piece of property I acquired 32 years ago. We will repaint this line soon.

Marking property lines is important for letting your guests know you are  not getting off of your property and helps your heirs know exactly where the property ends. In addition to marking lines and posting with signs I would create a map that notes survey corners that have been located. 

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